Finance for agri-industry and agri-processing

The Development Bank of Namibia views agricultural enterprises as a critical economic component that is vital to food security, exports of foodstuffs and ongoing economic activities in Namibia associated with agriculture.

The Bank does not finance direct agricultural requirements such as land, but may finance inputs critical to operation of enterprises that process agricultural produce.


Among others, the Bank can provide finance for:

  • Abbatoirs
  • Milling
  • Dairies
  • Agricultural infrastructure & plant
    (dams, irrigation, crop tunnels, hydroponics, feed lots, washing, sorting, grading, packing & freezing facilities, etc.)
  • Aquaculture
  • Animal feed processing
  • Fertiliser production
  • Food manufacturing
  • Logistics assets
    (cranes, containers, warehouses, refrigeration, etc.)

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Structured, responsive finance for larger projects

The Bank structures finance for larger agricultural enterprises to ensure that it promotes long-term viability. The Bank develops a deep understanding of business models and project milestones, so that it can develop viable financing that takes enterprise sustainability, risk and growth into account.


The Bank structures finance for larger agricultural enterprises to ensure that it promotes long-term viability. The Bank develops a deep understanding of business models and project milestones, so that it can develop viable financing that takes enterprise sustainability, risk and growth into account.


For enterprises with less complex requirements DBN provides a range of financing products that may include:

  • Asset based finance
    (equipment, vehicles and other assets)
  • Term loans & short-term bridging finance
  • Property development finance
    (production facilities, warehouses, offices, etc.)
  • Project finance
    (privately owned infrastructure)
    Management buy-ins and buy-outs