The Business Model Canvas (BMC) was developed by Alexander Osterwalder to assist with business planning and strategic management on a one-page, at-a-glance sheet.

This BMC is not required for your application for finance from DBN, but it can assist you in developing a concept of management of the SME that you wish to launch or are already managing. It may also contribute to development of your business plan, cash flow projection as well as marketing and branding.

The quality of the BMC depends on your honest assessment of the business, and the amount of accurate information you can obtain.

There are numerous variants of the BMC. This one has been adapted to provide a strong concept of marketing and branding, the engine of your business.

Business Model Canvas



  1. The size of this document is A3 for printing purposes.
  2. Click on each of the text boxes on page 1 to enter information.
  3. Information can be changed and saved.
  4. Information in the text boxes will remain when saved.
  5. Find basic guidelines for information on page 2 of the document.